Radar Altimeter Test System

  • All Radar Altimeter Types
  • 1 inch Precision
  • 25-bit Highest Resolution
  • Programmable for Automated Testing
  • Altitude Settings 0 to 10k feet in 5 Foot Steps
  • 0.1- 40GHz Waveform Independent Operation
  • 10 ns Zero-Delay Offset
  • 4 Aircraft Cable Compensation Settings
  • Programmable and User Defined AID


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The RATS Altimeter Test System is designed by us to test and calibrate all radar altimeter systems. It simulates altitudes from 10000 feet to 1 inch with high precision and fast variable speed up to 100ns, operating frequencies up to 40 GHz. Based on our advanced photonic technology, RATS features ultra wide bandwidth and intrinsic waveform independent operation regardless of protocol or encryption including FMCW, Constant Difference Frequency (CDF), pulsed or non-pulsed, spread spectrum, frequency hopping, variable power, and low probability of intercept (LPI). It has an RF input and an RF output on the front panel. In operation, the input RF signal is first converted into an optical signal and transmitted over a fiber optic cable to the receiver, where it converts back into the output RF signal. To simulate an attitude, the signal is delayed by a corresponding fiber length that can be digitally varied by switching to pass through N fiber segments, therefore providing N-bit resolution. Agiltron uniquely produces several families of fiber optical switches to meet various budget and speed requirements.
The operation is made easy with a touch screen, and/or remote USB and Ethernet computer control GUI. Internally it has an optical amplifier and a variable attenuator so that free space signal loss can be simulated.