Export Control Form

Export Compliance Policy

The United States Departments of Commerce, State, and Treasury, respectively, administer the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”), and the economic and trade sanctions collectively known as the Foreign Assets Control Regulations. While other regulations may also be relevant, the foregoing define the primary controls on the export of items or information.

The EAR addresses the export of items and information that have primarily civil and “dual use” (military and civil) applications, the ITAR address the export of items that have primarily military applications or that relate to space, and the Foreign Assets Control Regulations address country-specific embargoes and sanctions programs. In certain circumstances, these (and other) regulations require Photonwares, Inc. (“Photonwares”) to obtain an approved license, exemption thereto, or agreement prior to exporting a commodity or technical data to another country or releasing the commodity or technical data to a foreign person (in or outside the United States).

It is the policy of Photonwares to comply with the regulations restricting the transfer, export, sale or disposal of any controlled item or information from the United States. Photonwares established this Export Compliance Policy to accomplish this goal. Under no circumstances will an export be made contrary to the aforementioned regulations or contrary to the policies.

Export Restricted Parties are U. S. export restricted individuals and entities. These are enumerated on the following:

  • Denied Persons List
  • Entity List
  • Unverified List
  • Debarment List
  • Sanctioned Parties List
  • Specially Designated Nationals,
  • Blocked Persons and
  • Blocked Vessels List

Photonwares Export Compliance Officer, Sales and Purchasing personnel will cross reference all potential customers and end users against the aforementioned lists and ensure they document that appropriate screening has been performed.

We ask our partners (customers and suppliers) to comply with our Export Policy and to the best of their abilities ensure designated Photonwares’ products are not shipped to Restricted Parties and to alert us if there is a request from a Restricted Party. Photonwares will provide updated lists of Restricted Parties as appropriate.

Do you agree with Export Compliance Policy? *

If you are purchasing as an individual, please provide your First and Last name
Name of the person filling the form
End User or Reseller? *