Amplitude/Phaser Electro-Optical Modulator – Single Resonance

  • High Performance
  • Compact Package
  • Easy integration
  • Customize Available
  • Low cost

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Our Free-space Electro-optic modulator (FEOM) in the resonant frequency is a electro-optical crystal based modulator which efficiently modify the phase, polarization or amplitude of a free-space laser. It is designed to be operated at a fixed frequency with narrow bandwidth. The resonance frequencies can be selected from 5 to 100 MHz. This resonant modulator can be conveniently driven by a standard laboratory function generator at the resonance frequency.
Custom versions are also available, with user-specified resonant frequencies from 10 to 100 MHz and a variety of optical AR coatings. Our unique design minimum piezo-effect and charge building-up.
The response is a sinusoidal wave shape for resonance devices.
For amplitude modulation, polarized light is essential because the modulation process relies on controlling the intensity of light based on its polarization state. By incorporating input and output polarizers, the extinction ratio (ER) of the device is significantly improved.

Qty: 1 | $2438 | FEOM-2071411F1 | Phase 600~900 nm Regular 5 MHz No No


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