Customized DCF Dispersion Compensation Module

  • 100% Slope Compensation
  • Low Latency
  • Low Loss
  • Up to 140km
  • Custom Length


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Chromatic dispersion accumulates in optical fibers, broadening the transmission signals, as shown in the picture below. A cost-effective way to compensate for this effect is to connect a spool of dispersion compensation fiber (DCF) having chromatic dispersion in the opposite direction (negative). We produce a variety of standard spool lengths of DCF fiber to compensate for 10km, 20km, 30km, and 40km of G.652 fiber in the C-band (1528nm – 1568nm). Precision chromatic dispersion measurement services are available. Custom DCF fiber lengths can be made using an in-house precision spool winding setup.

The DCF compensation modules are packaged in formats of 1U rack plug-in or spool. The 1U chassis can be purchased.

The DCF compensation modules are passive devices, supporting SDH/SONET, DWDM, CATV System, etc. We produce precision fiber optic coils supporting satellite communications (SATCOM), military, telecommunications, sensing, laser output mode scrambling, and radar calibration applications. Fiber types range from standard single mode and multimode to a full range of specialty fibers, with standard or high-temperature coatings.